Seattle Public 学校

Environmental Health Issues and Water Quality

Lead Compliance

Lead Compliance

十大正规网赌软件领导合规/工作计划的制定符合华盛顿工业安全与健康法(WISHA)对书面计划的要求. 该计划概述了工程和工作实践控制,以减少员工接触铅低于允许的接触限值.


Lead Compliance/Work Plan

Requirements for Projects that Involve Lead-Based Paint

Prepared by: Seattle Public 学校, Environmental Health and Safety


西雅图学区的领导合规/工作计划的制定是为了遵守华盛顿工业安全与健康法(WISHA)对书面计划的要求,以实现WAC 296-155-17607的合规. 该计划概述了实施的工程和工作实践控制措施,以在可行的范围内将员工接触铅的程度降低到允许的接触限值以下.


This plan covers the safe removal, 处理, 外部铅基涂料(LBP)的处理程序:请在此处提供站点名称和地址


提供对可能影响含铅涂料的工作活动的一般描述. Include a description of the location and type of building components involved.

Methods of Compliance

Competent Person

The District will designate a Competent Person, as defined by WAC 296-155-17605, for projects requiring this Lead Compliance/Work Plan. 胜任人员将在项目的所有阶段出现在工作现场,以确保工作按照计划进行.

Exposure Assessment

该区将对可能接触空气中铅浓度达到或高于行动水平的雇员进行初步监测. 监测将代表对最高预期铅暴露的工作的一个完整班次.

The frequency of monitoring will be in accordance with WAC 296-155-17609(6). If the exposure assessment results indicate employee exposure to lead at or above

50ug/m³,该地区将根据需要修改工程控制和工作实践,以减少低于PEL的暴露. 在作出修改后,地区将进行额外的监测,以确定修改的有效性.

Medical Surveillance

由于区雇员在任何12个月内从事与铅有关的活动不超过30天,因此预计他们每年接触铅的时间不会超过30天. Based on exposure assessments from similar projects and past biological monitoring, the District does not anticipate the need to institute a medical surveillance program.

然而, 本区将对可能在职业上接触铅达到或高于行动水平30μg/m³的雇员进行初步医疗监测. 最初的医疗监测包括以血液取样分析铅和锌原卟啉水平的形式进行生物监测. Additional samples may be required if sample results show significant lead exposure.

Medical Removal

如果员工的血铅水平达到或超过30μg/dl,该员工将被解雇. When an employee is removed, or otherwise limited, 他们将被分配到一个不会导致接触铅达到或超过30μg/m³的行动水平的任务. 当合格的医生确定员工不再有接触铅的危险或当员工的血液水平低于25μg/dl时,员工可以返回他/她以前的工作岗位.


所有在任何一天可能接触到铅或高于行动水平的员工都将按照WAC 296-155-17625进行培训. 培训 will include, but not be limited to the following:

  • The content of the applicable standards and appendices;
  • 可能导致接触超过行动水平的铅的作业的具体地点性质;
  • The purpose, proper selection, fitting, use, and limitations of respirators;
  • 医疗监视计划的目的和描述,以及医疗转移计划;
  • The engineering controls and work practices associated with the employee’s assignment, including training of employees to follow relevant good work practices;
  • The contents of this compliance program; Instruction of the use of chelating agents;
  • The employee’s right of access to records.


进入领导工作区域的员工佩戴1/2口罩高效过滤器空气净化呼吸器. 呼吸机 will be used according to the District’s Respiratory Protection Program.

Protective Clothing

Employees entering the lead work area will wear disposable full-body coveralls, 手套, and eye protection. Coveralls will include head and foot coverage.

Lead Work Area

主要工作区域将在主要工作活动周围至少20英尺处用警戒带划定. 在主要工作区域将显示足够大小的警告标志,使其清晰可辨. At a minimum, signs will include the following information:

“Warning” “Lead Work Area”


“WARNING” “Lead Work Area” “Poison”

“No Smoking or Eating”

Hygiene Practices

Hygiene practices will include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • No eating, drinking, smoking, or applying cosmetics in the lead work area.
  • 在离开主要工作区域之前,员工将用高效空气过滤器(HEPA)真空吸尘器清除防护服上的LBP碎片.
  • Immediately upon exiting the lead work area, 防护服将在指定的清洁区域脱下,放入塑料袋或桶中处理.
  • Immediately upon leaving the clean area, each employee will wash and dry face, head, and hands and vacuum clothes, 如果有必要的话.
    • 另外, where employee exposure to lead is above the PEL, hygiene practices will include the following:
      • Shower facilities, where feasible.
      • 清洁更衣区,配备单独的储存设施,以存放防护服/设备和便服,防止交叉污染.

Housekeeping Practices

Housekeeping practices will include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • All surfaces will be maintained reasonably free of accumulations of lead. The lead work area will be inspected for visible LBP debris at the end of each shift.
  • 清洁表面的铅积累将完成真空或其他方法,尽量减少铅成为空气中的可能性.
  • 如果吸尘方法无效,将使用湿扫来收集LBP碎片.
  • Where vacuuming methods area used, the vacuums will be equipped with HEPA filters.
  • Compressed air will not be used to remove lead from any surface.

Work Practices

Method(s) of Removal

Areas with cracked, 剥, or loose paint surfaces, the surface will be scraped or sanded to dislodge any loose paint. Lead based paint will be removed by manual wet scraping and sanding methods only; mechanical methods will not be used.

Plastic sheeting will extend at least 6′ from the surface to be prepared. 刮擦产生的碎片将使用高效空气过滤器真空收集,如果碎片已被弄湿,则使用扫地. 除非设置适当的防风屏障,否则在强风情况下不会刮擦.

Storage and Disposal

收集的LBP碎片将储存在有标签的铅废物容器中,并在每班结束时固定. Lead waste containers will be kept separate from non-lead waste containers.
